Friday, March 9, 2012

Lisa in Laos - Part II

Yes, yes, it has happened - I have returned to Laos! We all knew it would happen eventually. I just couldn't stay away for long. It was love at first "sabaidee"... <3

Even though I considered the original "Lisa in Laos" blog a complete failure (I didn't post nearly as often as I would have liked, nor explained and shared even half of what I should have...), I have been encouraged by friends and family to try it again! So, I am determined to try this method of communication again. If anything, it will at least be a place where I can share a few photos.

I left for this second Lao adventure January 19th. (As evident from today's date...I still am not a good and faithful blogger. However, I would like to say that this time I have a better excuse, in that I cannot upload large documents - like photos - on the internet available at my work/home.) I plan on returning July 12th.

In the meantime...I'll be volunteering as an intern at Sai Nyai Eco School. I'll be filling in more details about the organization as I go along here, but for now, I'll just say the basics and direct you to our FABULOUS (ok, maybe just 'good') website.

(I highly recommend taking three minutes to watch the video on the homepage of the website. It does a great job of explaining the mission of the school, while also giving a moving picture of the place where I now live and work!)

Sai Nyai Eco School is a project under a tiny little Canadian NGO (non-governmental organization) called Sustainable Laos Education Initiatives. We offer a free 4 month education program in "rural sustainability" for young adults (ages 15-24) from the surrounding rural villages. Most of the students are ethnic minorities and come from very poor families. They study everything from organic vegetable farming to raising ducks, sewing to TOT (Training Of Trainers, for skills to share what they've learned with others in their villages). They also study English with this crazy, tall, white girl! When the four months are up, they are able to take out a micro-loan from the school to help start-up a new project/business with the information they've learned at the school.

Technically, my job is "English Teacher and Alumni Network Coordinator", but I also am working on marketing alumni products in Pakse, teaching computers, helping staff with planning, and increasing tourism at the school.

Phew. Enough information for now - time for some pictures!

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